Karen Campos Bhatia Nutritionist, Exercise Physiologist and Lifestyle Consultant Vigor Health Consulting India, UAE, UK, USA, Canada and Singapore
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
VIGOR HEALTH CONSULTING: "I love me": “To love is fabulous but to be loved is powerful” I see the effects of the lack of love in a person’s life on a daily basis. What ...
"I love me"
“To love is fabulous but to be loved is powerful”
I see the effects of the lack of love in a person’s life on a daily basis.
What it does to you, how it can break you and the way it makes you turn on
yourself, abuse yourself. We become our worst enemy when we don't feel loved.
BUT we need to look within for some answers !
We expect to be loved just because we love someone and are devastated when
it’s not given back.
And Sometimes !
We fail to recognise that we all love differently and we
interpret that difference as a lack of love
There are times where we are the givers of love and get none back in return.
When love goes unrequited, whatever the reasons we devastate ourselves.
Here is my theory for all my women friends who struggle to
understand why they are troubled and why they abuse their bodies. We women are
creatures of emotion; we need love to feel whole. We love freely and we expect
love with the same fervour.
I have experienced both - to love and not be loved, and then to be loved
whole heartedly. It changed my world, it made me secure and confident, it made
me feel complete – as though now I can move on and do what I need to.
"When someone says I am happy alone and don’t really need someone else to
feel complete, its most often that they are lying to themselves. It goes
against the very grain of being human, we are not loners, we need companionship
and its very important that we are surrounded with people we love."
But how often are we surrounded by people who love us?
Do we feel compromised, as though we are the only givers in all our relationships?
If we are - then the balance has tipped, it’s time to even things out. If
we don’t recognise that our relationships are tipped over, we continue to be
unhappy. And if we do recognise it and continue that way because we feel we are
unlovable then we live a compromised, unhappy and extremely sad existence.
No one is unlovable, “there’s someone for everyone” and that
might make the cynic in you smirk – but there usually is someone for everyone.
Stop compromising, communicate what you need in a relationship and compromise
when it’s not something integral to you, only when it’s something you think you
can live without. Very often unhappiness is because
we compromise on issues integral to us and end up neither here nor there. If
being loved a certain way is your need and your partner can’t fulfil it your way,
but you know he deeply cares for you – let it go. Understand your middle ground as a couple and respect each others needs.
But if you really feel you are getting nothing back and ending up being bitter about how much you give - take a step back and see things objectively. If you are still convinced move on and find love.
Lastly take control of your life, get fit, eat right, work or keep your mind
occupied, and make sure you feel worthy for yourself. Because its only then you will find others
wanting to be worthy of you.
Go forth and be loved J
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
Do you feel lethargic, anxious, sad, angry, and moody or
do you feel like a failure, unloved, worthless and as tough life has no meaning
for you anymore?
Chances are you may be depressed. If depression goes
unchecked it may lead to several problems like being overweight, developing
other diseases related to the heart and digestive system, may even lead to
hormonal imbalances and create stress levels to elevate to such a high level
that they can lead to drastic steps like suicide.
Depression: definition
Depression is a common mental disorder,
characterized by sadness, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or
low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, feelings of tiredness and poor
It can be long lasting or recurrent, substantially
impairing a person’s ability to function at work or school, or cope with daily
life. At its most severe, depression can lead to suicide.
When found to be mild, depression can be treated without
medicines but, when moderate or severe, people may need medication and
professional talking treatments.
Anyone can be affected!
In a childs life puberty is responsible for setting
off Early depression, the hormonal imbalances, feelings of insecurity, social
pressures of trying to fit in etc
In a womans life Puberty, Maternity and Menopause
are the times most women fall prey to depression. Some don’t experience any
turbulence but most women experience some amount of disturbance in varying
Men are most affected in puberty and when they go
through stresses of finding their space in the world, competition, performance
anxiety and repressed feelings result in depressive behaviour with men
What should we do, and how can we help?
Look around you, and
be aware of others feelings.
If you sense loneliness in a friend or
relative, make time to spend with them.
Make an effort
with people. Get out of your own comfort zones, learn to include more people in
your social circle, open your mind to meeting and socialising with people. Don’t
shun someone, even if you may not think alike or you think someone is not in
your league, don’t shun them, it always feels good to be included.
Tell your loved
ones and friends you are proud of them, especially the underachievers or those
who keep trying and failing to make a mark.
Never flaunt your
successes, be humble and sensitive to others who may not be as successful. Success is some ability and lots of opportunity. Others may not have been blessed to have the opportunity to succeed that doesn't mean they don't have the capability.
Share your
feelings with your loved ones and get them to open up and share their feelings
too. Strengthen and deepen your close relationships.
Be approachable,
you never know when a friend or family member may need you
If you sense you are depressed, reach out for help and
save yourself. Never be alone in a depressed state. Make sure you have someone
to care for you when you are feeling low. Make yourself happy, watch lots of
funny movies, start socializing more, try and find fun activities to keep busy.
Friends, send up a prayer for the souls of those who have
taken their lives, pray that their families find the strength to go on, and give thanks for all you have been blessed with.
Keep your eyes open!
Love yourself and love others too :)
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Shortcuts !!
You need to plan to be healthy. There is no quick fix. It
requires commitment and understanding of what you are doing to be truly
Don’t jump onto a trend or fad bandwagon just because
someone suggests it’s the in thing to do. Sustained results are what you should
aim for.
Being healthy is a unification of your mind, body and
spirit. Your choices must be initiated by your mind, applied by your body and
governed by your spirit.
Whatever your choices are and whatever your reasons for
getting healthy, make sure you do it the right way. Don’t ever compromise on
the quality of your life. You must do what makes you happy at the same time
blend your choices into that lifestyle.
Friday, 19 April 2013
In the Moment
You never know who comes along and how they affect you. How the most random
person comes along one day and changes you - helps put into perspective so
much.So often we struggle to find answers to problems, so often we just struggle to no end and even for no reason. We work hard towards a certain goal and no matter what we do, nothing works..... Then why is it that someone can come along and change the entire dynamic?
Make you look at the whole situation so differently, without even trying, they change your life.
Are these people meant to come into our lives, is it predetermined or is the magic truly in being able to stay in the moment and recognize it for what it is.
I realized a few things today. I am blessed, and I have so much to be grateful for, so many people to be thankful for, and so many people to thank. I am what I am only because I had what I had. Good and Bad.
So today, thank all those people and bless all those people who have affected you positively or negatively, because they came into your life to make you realise something, and change your life for the better.
Bless and be blessed, be happy and spread happiness. Take joy in the moment and be aware that every moment can change your life.
"Remember the magic of being in the moment"

Why do some people find it easier to lose weight while
others find it so difficult?
The process of losing weight is holistic, all
encompassing, a combination of efforts of mind body and soul. It’s aligning our
thoughts, determinations, hang up’s, eccentricities and giving into the process
whole heartedly.
There is no short cut to weight loss. You need to just
eat less and more frequently and exercise moderately. Once you make a habit of
the above the body starts healing itself and shedding all excess.
Why do we find it so difficult to say no?
Saying no is a habit, like anything practice makes
Why is it that some people can eat whatever they want and
how much they want and never gain weight?
Bad eating habits always catch up with you. You may get away with it for a
while but one day you realise it’s not working anymore. Either you start having
medical problems or you gain weight suddenly or you start feeling sluggish and
Stop being envious and start doing something about yourself!! Every time I am out socially at least one person will come up to me and say, “I hate you, you are so skinny” or “you can eat anything you want because you are so skinny”.
A couple of days ago, someone walked up to me and said
with much malice “ I hate the way you never seem to put on any weight” – to all
of you out there who hate people who are fit, don’t do that. It’s not fair to
those who care about themselves, work hard at being healthy and look after
their bodies. Instead of being envious – STOP eating too much and do something
about it.
On one hand we moan at someone who is thin, and with the
other hand we are steadily shovelling food into our mouths
STOP procrastinating !
STOP abusing your bodies !STOP being envious of others !
STOP finding excuses not be healthy !
STOP hating yourself !
Thursday, 7 February 2013
Green tea is made from the leaves of a plant called Camellia Sinesis. It gets its name "green" from the fact that the leaves are processed very little unlike black tea which is a result of oxidization and fermentation.
The Green tea is prominent today, in this age where we are seeing diseases and health problems more rampant than ever and we find that modern medicine is very advanced however it has its side effects.
Allopathic cures are known to be effective and quick however are still not very adept in preventive medicine. All ancient cultures relied heavily on their surroundings and chanced upon herbs which they learnt to value and make the most of in whatever way possible. Tea was one such leaf that was discovered to taste nice when brewed, was soothing because of its warmth and drinking tea in many cultures is considered a social custom and provided a good way for people to interact.
The known benefits that green tea has are preventive in nature and not curative as far as heart disease, cancer, toxaemia, renal diseases, increased blood sugar etc. Studies have shown that drinking four cups of green tea a day can reduce the risk of developing stomach and lung cancer as well as heart disease. They also aid in natural weight loss by being able to break down and dissolve grease residues of food. They also benefit in improving eye sight, aid in digestion, improve renal function thereby detoxifying the body.
Weight loss is largely associated with lifestyle correction; however we can always use any help we can get. Green tea is known to improve the metabolism by 4 %, a small figure but like I say any help you can get is always welcome.
It inhibits fat absorption and helps to regulate glucose. By slowing the rise in blood sugar after a meal it prevents insulin spikes, which in turn helps because lots of storage of insulin causes fat storage as well. So the effects are indirect but evident.
Every day I hear about and counter many theories about weight loss, digestive disorders, current fads with food and exercise and the one thing I always tell everyone is that every fad or theory has some scientific basis to it, however the problems start when we randomly apply them to our lives without understanding how they work. I came across someone who was on a prescribed diet for weight loss and this person was asked to consume 5 to 6 cups of green tea a day, especially after meals. The benefits of the tea get completely negated when you drink it immediately after. You should give a gap of half hour before you start drinking any fluids. Fluid dilutes gastric juices thereby weakening their ability to break down the consumed foods. Definitely add green tea to your daily routine as that is a wonderful source of hydration, and helps to dissolve grease residue along the digestive tract and speed up the metabolism marginally. But always remember it is an aid to weight loss not something to rely on wholly as a means to lose weight.
Below are the dos and don’ts of green tea
1) Do drink at least 4 cups a day to get the real benefit of green tea
2) Do substitute your tea/coffee with green tea, it’s not a stimulant but it does help to make you more alert
3) Do drink it as hot as is comfortable to drink fast, so that it works faster in releasing the grease along the digestive tract
4) Do drink green tea to fight cancer, prevention is wise
5) Do learn to enjoy your green tea, it also has deep roots as a beverage served to socialise
1) Don’t drink green tea as a source of nourishment. It cannot substitute food
2) Don’t drink green tea as a substitute for water
3) Don’t drink more than one cup at a time and after which you then allow for half an hour before you eat or drink anything else, so it can do its job properly
4) Don’t compromise on the quality of your green tea
5) Don’t add sugar or honey to your green tea, have it pure and unadulterated
And remember the key to losing weight is moderation and lifestyle correction.
Eat moderately, drink moderately, exercise moderately and in the same vein drink your green tea in moderation. Over drinking it does not increase its benefits.
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