Green tea is made from the leaves of a plant called Camellia Sinesis. It gets its name "green" from the fact that the leaves are processed very little unlike black tea which is a result of oxidization and fermentation.
The Green tea is prominent today, in this age where we are seeing diseases and health problems more rampant than ever and we find that modern medicine is very advanced however it has its side effects.
Allopathic cures are known to be effective and quick however are still not very adept in preventive medicine. All ancient cultures relied heavily on their surroundings and chanced upon herbs which they learnt to value and make the most of in whatever way possible. Tea was one such leaf that was discovered to taste nice when brewed, was soothing because of its warmth and drinking tea in many cultures is considered a social custom and provided a good way for people to interact.
The known benefits that green tea has are preventive in nature and not curative as far as heart disease, cancer, toxaemia, renal diseases, increased blood sugar etc. Studies have shown that drinking four cups of green tea a day can reduce the risk of developing stomach and lung cancer as well as heart disease. They also aid in natural weight loss by being able to break down and dissolve grease residues of food. They also benefit in improving eye sight, aid in digestion, improve renal function thereby detoxifying the body.
Weight loss is largely associated with lifestyle correction; however we can always use any help we can get. Green tea is known to improve the metabolism by 4 %, a small figure but like I say any help you can get is always welcome.
It inhibits fat absorption and helps to regulate glucose. By slowing the rise in blood sugar after a meal it prevents insulin spikes, which in turn helps because lots of storage of insulin causes fat storage as well. So the effects are indirect but evident.
Every day I hear about and counter many theories about weight loss, digestive disorders, current fads with food and exercise and the one thing I always tell everyone is that every fad or theory has some scientific basis to it, however the problems start when we randomly apply them to our lives without understanding how they work. I came across someone who was on a prescribed diet for weight loss and this person was asked to consume 5 to 6 cups of green tea a day, especially after meals. The benefits of the tea get completely negated when you drink it immediately after. You should give a gap of half hour before you start drinking any fluids. Fluid dilutes gastric juices thereby weakening their ability to break down the consumed foods. Definitely add green tea to your daily routine as that is a wonderful source of hydration, and helps to dissolve grease residue along the digestive tract and speed up the metabolism marginally. But always remember it is an aid to weight loss not something to rely on wholly as a means to lose weight.
Below are the dos and don’ts of green tea
1) Do drink at least 4 cups a day to get the real benefit of green tea
2) Do substitute your tea/coffee with green tea, it’s not a stimulant but it does help to make you more alert
3) Do drink it as hot as is comfortable to drink fast, so that it works faster in releasing the grease along the digestive tract
4) Do drink green tea to fight cancer, prevention is wise
5) Do learn to enjoy your green tea, it also has deep roots as a beverage served to socialise
1) Don’t drink green tea as a source of nourishment. It cannot substitute food
2) Don’t drink green tea as a substitute for water
3) Don’t drink more than one cup at a time and after which you then allow for half an hour before you eat or drink anything else, so it can do its job properly
4) Don’t compromise on the quality of your green tea
5) Don’t add sugar or honey to your green tea, have it pure and unadulterated
And remember the key to losing weight is moderation and lifestyle correction.
Eat moderately, drink moderately, exercise moderately and in the same vein drink your green tea in moderation. Over drinking it does not increase its benefits.
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