Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Shortcuts !!



You need to plan to be healthy. There is no quick fix. It requires commitment and understanding of what you are doing to be truly healthy.


Don’t jump onto a trend or fad bandwagon just because someone suggests it’s the in thing to do. Sustained results are what you should aim for.


Being healthy is a unification of your mind, body and spirit. Your choices must be initiated by your mind, applied by your body and governed by your spirit.

No compromises
Whatever your choices are and whatever your reasons for getting healthy, make sure you do it the right way. Don’t ever compromise on the quality of your life. You must do what makes you happy at the same time blend your choices into that lifestyle.

Be practical in your approach, for example we go through phases where we say "I will give up eating out, no alcohol, no socialising etc…that way I stay on track". But you fall off the wagon very quickly.

You can socialise, enjoy your alcohol and eat out as long as you do it right. There are choices for food anywhere you eat, you need to know what you are doing to be able to adapt what’s available to your requirements.

Say no to supplements, fat burners, growth hormones and other gimmicks. They destroy your body and create several imbalances. If you eat right and natural you can still achieve any result you need, yes it may be a bit slower but are you willing to pay the price of taking a short cut?

Say no to shortcuts.

Respect your body, Love yourself

Friday, 19 April 2013

In the Moment

You never know who comes along and how they affect you. How the most random person comes along one day and changes you - helps put into perspective so much.

So often we struggle to find answers to problems, so often we just struggle to no end and even for no reason. We work hard towards a certain goal and no matter what we do, nothing works..... Then why is it that someone can come along and change the entire dynamic?

Make you look at the whole situation so differently, without even trying, they change your life.

Are these people meant to come into our lives, is it predetermined or is the magic truly in being able to stay in the moment and recognize it for what it is.

I realized a few things today. I am blessed, and I have so much to be grateful for, so many people to be thankful for, and so many people to thank. I am what I am only because I had what I had. Good and Bad.

So today, thank all those people and bless all those people who have affected you positively or negatively, because they came into your life to make you realise something, and change your life for the better.

Bless and be blessed, be happy and spread happiness. Take joy in the moment and be aware that every moment can change your life.

"Remember the magic of being in the moment"










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Why do some people find it easier to lose weight while others find it so difficult?
The process of losing weight is holistic, all encompassing, a combination of efforts of mind body and soul. It’s aligning our thoughts, determinations, hang up’s, eccentricities and giving into the process whole heartedly.

There is no short cut to weight loss. You need to just eat less and more frequently and exercise moderately. Once you make a habit of the above the body starts healing itself and shedding all excess.

Why do we find it so difficult to say no?
Saying no is a habit, like anything practice makes perfect

Why is it that some people can eat whatever they want and how much they want and never gain weight? Bad eating habits always catch up with you. You may get away with it for a while but one day you realise it’s not working anymore. Either you start having medical problems or you gain weight suddenly or you start feeling sluggish and unhealthy.

Stop being envious and start doing something about yourself!! Every time I am out socially at least one person will come up to me and say, “I hate you, you are so skinny” or “you can eat anything you want because you are so skinny”.

A couple of days ago, someone walked up to me and said with much malice “ I hate the way you never seem to put on any weight” – to all of you out there who hate people who are fit, don’t do that. It’s not fair to those who care about themselves, work hard at being healthy and look after their bodies. Instead of being envious – STOP eating too much and do something about it.

On one hand we moan at someone who is thin, and with the other hand we are steadily shovelling food into our mouths

STOP procrastinating !
STOP abusing your bodies !
STOP being envious of others !
STOP finding excuses not be healthy !
STOP hating yourself !