Monday, 27 October 2014

"Our Obese children"

"Your children are Obese"

"Not pleasantly plump"


Its shocking me to see so many people I know who are being so complacent about their children’s weight.

While on one hand I see many people who realise it’s time to do something about it and I treat many children who are obese, there are yet so many who are taking it very lightly.

I see the choices of food that are given to their children and more scarily the quantities that some of these youngsters are packing away, it’s shocking and quite repulsive – a sign of greed and not need

I have three children and I watch over their food have always done it but watching over doesn’t mean I confine or hinder them beyond a point. They are never deprived and I don’t belong to the mad Mommy club of “no coke”, “no chocolate”, “no junk”.

I have always been a believer of the more you withhold the more you are building their interests up by creating mystery and taboo around these things.

I only insist my kids moderate their qty and in some cases the frequency of what they have.

As they were babies and toddlers if they wanted a sip of coke or a piece of chocolate it was given because at that age you can’t explain why it’s not good, at the same time they had an abundance of fruit, vegetables and good wholesome homemade food.

As a result as their tastes developed they had no major craving to go after the unhealthy stuff – because there was no mystery to it, so I don’t need to resort to not keeping it at home as it’s always available if a visitor asks for it but rarely sought out by the children.

The one thing I have insisted on is qty. I never allowed them to over eat as a result if they really relish something and overdo it on occasion and the next meal time comes along they themselves say they aren’t hungry and eat only when they actually feel hunger come on next. They know I have always respected their understanding of need.

I have never force fed my children, they ate if they were hungry and food was never stuffed down their throat. I see many parents going wrong with this where their babies are concerned – you are setting the stage for childhood obesity. No baby will ever go hungry and all babies know how to communicate hunger loud and clear.

Watch how much your child eats and you are likely to have a healthier child and change one habit at a time if you plan to get your child to lose weight.

Look at your child today and ask yourself if he or she is overweight or obese?

You know the answer but are in denial calling it puppy fat, act upon it now or else you are setting up your child for a future of uncertainty, anxiety and insecurity.

No child should have a bloated and protruding belly, if you see that it’s a warning sign of a distended abdomen and the first stage of something going wrong.

Get your child active, they must play lots of outdoor games, get lots of fresh air and eat moderately.

Get healthy and make your kids healthier.
Another big reason for children becoming overweight in urban privileged society is "The Sunday Brunch culture" a convenient way to occupy your kids while you tank up and eat and get them to eat under the guise of family time and planned activities to keep them occupied.

What happened to family picnics and Sunday outings?- they've vanished.
If you really want to you can find numerable things to do on Sunday that are fun and quality time with your kids that don't need to mess up your health and resolutions for the week.

And coming back from that brunch you feel sick about eating so much and have just thrust another unhealthy habit down your kids throat.

"Change today, you might save yourself and your child a lot of grief"

" Most children who are obese through to adolescence are guaranteed to be obese as adults"

"Obesity fosters the nastiest insecurities and every child who carries obesity into adolescence is invariably an adult who has many complexes"

"You are what you are and you are also what your children will become - stop and take a hard look at yourself, everything you don't like is what they will grow into first"

"Respect yourselves, love your children and show your love abundantly - just don't use food as a reflection of your affection"

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