I came across some funny quotes on weight loss. Thought I would share them with you. And have added my two pence below J in red
"The rest of the world lives to eat, while I eat to live."
- Socrates
- Socrates
"Your body is the baggage you must carry through life. The more excess the baggage, the shorter the trip."
- Arnold H. Glasgow
- Arnold H. Glasgow
"A diet is the penalty we pay for exceeding the feed limit."
~Author Unknown
~Author Unknown
"Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork."
~English Proverb
~English Proverb
"Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake."
~Author Unknown
~Author Unknown
Jokes aside J
Some questions for you…….
Why is food all important to me? Either I am thinking of what to eat or I am thinking of what not to eat!
How many times do I think about food in a day?
How many times a day do I check my weight?
Why do I associate food with everything, be it a celebration or lamentation?
Why is food my comfort? After all its temporary relief – after indulging I feel awful anyway, but soon forget that horrible feeling when faced with the same situation again.
Why do I need to feel stuffed to feel like I have eaten?
Why do I feel deprived if I eat a little less?
Answer these questions to get some insight into your behavior.
My thoughts……..
We all react the same way to situations, it’s just that some of us have learned that we can control our environment rather than have it control us. We have choices we can make and we should start from today.
Acknowledging our behavior is the start to correcting it.
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