We all endeavor to be spiritually strong. However I believe that we don’t really know what spiritual strength means. Text book information, wellness gurus, motivational speakers religious leaders all over the world all talk of spirituality differently. Not always correctly.
Many people claim that they are spiritual; I have always asked what does spirituality really mean?
I have yet to receive an answer that satisfies my soul, so to speak. I am still in search of it but I feel I am a little closer to an understanding than I was before.
My approach towards treating people, whether lifestyle correction for disease management or weight loss or rehabilitation after accidents and surgeries has always been to reach into their soul as far as I can go to be successful in treating them.
Our belief system, self worth ability to feel pain or joy and our ability to heal ourselves physically and emotionally is connected very deeply with our soul. Our soul speaks for our experiences, our memories (happy and sad) our fears and is the network of our faith and belief system. So addressing the most internal part of our soul means addressing our spirituality, our inner being, our salvation from self destruction.
Illnesses today are far more lifestyle based rather than congenital or genetic. We have deteriorated into a life of excess. In this life of excess that very inner being the supposed most treasured part of our being which lives on and on lies forlorn and forgotten.
There is a surge of spiritual activity (so called ) across the world, everyone is embracing yoga and meditation as a means to get fitter mentally and spiritually, but yet they abuse themselves and others in more ways than one. Are we changing our lifestyle or are we embracing a trend which will be forgotten the minute the next one comes along?
To help this understanding grow, which is - that the root of our physical, mental and emotional wellness lies in finding our spiritual self. I am trying to infuse some sense into the madness all around us.
Is Spirituality religion?
No! Being spiritual is not being religious, or following any particular religion. My journey has seen me reach into the depths of 3 religions. All religions hint at the same thing. But all religions will confine us – thus preventing us from being truly spiritual. I am not against religion. I just hope to distinguish religion from spirituality.
“A spiritual person can be religious but can a religious person be truly spiritual”?
That’s the biggest question I have to ask?
I found three apt definitions for religion in my research
1) A set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
2) A specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion etc
As you may note – fundamental and ritual form major parts of most definitions of religion.
While researching spirituality I came across the following
"Spirituality is NOT a religion. The definition of spirituality is different for everyone, but some common themes associated with it are, the idea of a process or journey of self discovery. The challenge of reaching beyond your current limit"
"Spirituality is the art of understanding what you are, who you are, etc..
When one rectifies his mistakes, he comes to reality when one understands his reality he comes to know what spirituality is"
When one rectifies his mistakes, he comes to reality when one understands his reality he comes to know what spirituality is"
"Spirituality is the essence or nature of your relationships with yourself, other people, and your deity".
What grabbed me
"When one understands his reality he comes to know what spirituality is"
In my opinion this is quite close to an understanding of spirituality. When one understands his own reality – whatever it may be, accepts it and builds upon it, he is far more spiritually inclined or is connected with his inner being.
To know ones faults, and work towards correcting them in reality.
To know ones talents and use them to benefit others and oneself.
To acknowledge ones weaknesses and work towards overcoming them.
To live in the moment, accepting reality for what it is, knowing you can’t change your circumstances but you can improve the environment around them so they are easier to deal with.
And lastly, true spirituality is freedom. Freedom to think. Freedom to believe and speak out for what we believe.
Spiritual experiences vary. No two people will experience the same thing the same way. No emotion can be felt by two people the exact same way, no trial or tribulation can be dealt with the same way by two people.
We are individuals which mean we will feel things individually – individually different. But to be true to your own spirituality is to accept the difference in others spirituality and embrace it.
Spirituality is to be connected to yourself. Connected to your higher power, enjoying the freedom to explore your heart, mind, body and spirit freely, knowing that the only thing you will discover is yourself in the process.