Monday, 30 May 2011

Healthy Mothers

When I became a mother for the first time 8 years ago, I felt so complete. The joy of being a mother is unexplainable. I obviously enjoyed it so much I ended up having two more children after that. Women always look at me in shock because they cannot believe I have birthed three children and still look fit with a flat stomach and no excess weight. It does make it easier with all the knowledge I have in this area, being a professional, and it would be my pleasure to share every bit of that secret with you.

The first thing to do is make sure you are at your optimum weight when you conceive. If it is not a planned pregnancy and you are a bit overweight then you need to be careful not to gain too much during your pregnancy.
10 kg’s is now considered a very healthy weight gain if you are at optimum weight when you begin. 12 to 14 kg’s if you are underweight
8 kg’s if you are overweight.

The second thing to do is continue to exercise if you already do, start a low impact and high flexibility routine if you have never exercised. Make sure to spend a lot of time stretching, because as you progress in the pregnancy the shift of weight towards the front leaves your back and legs very sore. Stretching helps improve circulation and also keeps you limber.

The most important part comes after the delivery. This is the time your mother and mother in law love to pamper you with rich foods as they feel you need your strength and need to be able to produce gallons of milk to nurse. However don’t give in. Eat healthy, in small portions more frequently, with easily digestible foods as you are going to be awake at odd hours.
Start moving as soon as you can. Look after your baby by yourself, the work involved there is a natural mode of weight loss. If you have had a caesarean do not be afraid, move around gradually, but move nevertheless. The more you move the more circulation to aid your healing process. Listen to your body for signs, it will always tell you when you need to slow down. In the case of a normal or a C section, ask the physiotherapist in the hospital to show you some exercises to help your abdominal muscles. There are exercises which involve a method of voluntary contracting of the abdominal muscles which you can keep doing even if you are lying down or sitting. They remind the muscle to start its journey back home. The longer you wait that much more difficult it is to get back to your pre pregnancy shape.

The third and most important thing to remember is you don’t need to eat for two when you are pregnant. Feed your body wholesome, nourishing food in tiny quantities very frequently. As the pregnancy progresses and you start suffering with acidity, the best thing is tiny meals. Stay away from oily and spicy foods. Have your starches in small quantities till sunset, after that stick to fruit as you feel hungry in single portion sizes.
Once the baby comes, make sure you have frequent portions of fresh fruit, green leafy vegetables, yogurt, fish/tofu/paneer, stay away from anything that causes indigestion or flatulence as your body still needs time to recuperate and you don’t want the complications of a bloated stomach.

Many women suffer from post partum depression. In my experience I have seen one of the most common triggers for it are when you have let yourself go completely and you can’t bear to face the reality that “you don’t have a shield of the pregnancy to hide behind”.
Suddenly you have to look after this baby and you have to face up to the fact that you have a long and daunting journey ahead to lose all that extra weight. It’s very difficult to be in that place. My advice to all you ladies out there is enjoy your pregnancy and lap up all the attention and love that comes your way.
Respect your body and love yourself by not gaining more weight than needed. Enjoy motherhood by being a mother, look after your own baby, though its tiring its nature’s way of healing you and getting you fit, nurse your baby for as long as you can, breast feeding  helps the womb contract. Stay close to your mother at this time, she will always be a comfort and source of strength.


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